Halls Safety Infomational Survey March 20, 2023


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Job Title / Description*

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What would you like your title to be? (be creative)*

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Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are with the current sales and fulfillment process?*

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Part 2/4: Sales/Fulfillment Assessment

What do you think Hall's annual revenue is?*

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How would you rate the quality of your current website? (from 1 to 10)*

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Part 3/4:Customer Care

What percentage of revenue do you believe is drawn through e-Commerce (website)?*

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What percentage of revenue do you believe in done on location?*

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How much time do you spend per day "fixing" inventory errors?

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If you could change one thing immediately regarding sales/fulfillment, What would it be?*

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If your Sales/Fulfillment process was turned into a well oiled automation machine, what would be the impact of the time saved?

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Please prioritize the following topics 1-5

Inventory Control and Tracking Products From Receiving to Customer Endpoint*

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Inventory Scanning (BVarcode or RFID) WHM System*

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Telephone System*

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New Website Only*

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New POS System Only*

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Website / POS Integration w/ Inventory Management*

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Wholesale (Net Terms) Capability within website*

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Wholesale (Net Terms) Capability within website*

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Multi Channel Platform Integration (Selling on Amazon, Ebay, Google Shops etc.)*

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Gender Neutral Restrooms*

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Part 4/4: Additional Feedback

Please describe what your "perfect" sales/fulfillment process would look like and how long it takes now vs how long you think it should take?*

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